ALL The SmaLL Things!!! ^_^
Things you don't think HE notice... But Actually Do!
- Your nails. They have to be clean even without nail polish on.
- Your Accessories. It can be simple bracelet, pretty earings or a necklace that matches.
- Your Outfit. Simple Sexy or just an ordinary outfit.
- Your Smile. ....and how often you show it.
- Your Singing. .... and if you don't mind other people hearing you.
- Your Text messaging Style. Sending Smileys, and texting 'good morning & Good Night' 'Have you eat ur breakfast/lunch/dinner?' ' where r u? tc.' 'I love you'.
- How much you complain about your weight. Love your body any weight you are.
- How much you Listen to him.
- How picky you are with food.
- How appreciative you are of little things that he done for you each day.
- Your brain... and whether your conversation are meaningful and interesting.
- Your heart..... and how much you love your parents, siblings and Him.
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